About Help4Happys

What is Help4happys?

Mason Lincoln School for the Disabled or “Happy’s School” as it is affectionately known, has been an ongoing project for five years as part of the South African 2010 preaching effort, which has now been renamed and continues to run as the Ignite 2020 projects.

There are around 200 young people at the school, ranging from 12 to 23 years of age that all have a physical disability, yet most of them are extremely happy. They all board at the school.

Many have been disowned by parents when young or have been orphaned. They are perceived by the more traditional black people as outcasts or being cursed. It has also been known to be extremely difficult for people to be respected or understood in the townships if on crutches or in a wheelchair. It is even more difficult to get about locally as public transport does not facilitate for disabled people, and taxi drivers are reluctant to pick them up.

Group help4happys kids
Group help4happys kids

No one to look after them

Previously, no one wanted to take responsibility for the school and its disabled pupils, who had been left without electricity, no ceilings, no adult supervision after school hours and with broken windows, living on donated food at times. They would study by candlelight, cook their own food on paraffin stoves and often had water cut, even in winter months.

The school has so far been somewhat refurbished and grounds have been tidied up since, but there is still a large extent of work to be done here. Funds raised will go directly towards this.

A Christian perspective

Although emotionally challenging for the children, they understand the question asked by the disciples to Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” and Jesus replied, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”